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FernUni Schweiz

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FernUni Schweiz



FernUni Schweiz

Professorship for Applied Microeconomics and/or Applied Micro-Econometrics (100%, open rank) · FernUni Schweiz

  • FernUni Schweiz

  • Brig

  • 09/03/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Professorship for Applied Microeconomics and/or Applied Micro-Econometrics (100%, open rank) Based on a modern campus in Brig, UniDistance Suisse is a university institute accredited under the HEdA, which for over 30 years has been offering Bachelor's, Master's and continuing education programmes in the fields of law, psychology, economics, history, mathematics and computer science. These programmes are designed to be taken in parallel with family life, a professional or sporting career, thanks to a flexible distance learning model. UniDistance Suisse maintains high quality standards in both university teaching and research. The institute is aiming for university reaccreditation in 2027 to become the University of Valais, marking a historic step for the institution and the canton. With almost 2,400 students, UniDistance Suisse is the leader in distance education in Switzerland. The institute employs more than 500 staff from all over Switzerland and abroad, nearly 450 of whom are involved in teaching and research, and are recognised experts in their respective fields. To further support the growth and development of UniDistance Suisse, the Faculty of Economics invites applications for the following position: Professorship for Applied Microeconomics and/or Applied Micro-Econometrics (100%, open rank) The position will complement and expand the faculty’s existing expertise, which is currently focused on applied microeconomics and applied microeconometrics. The new professorship should enhance the research excellence of the existing cluster, increase external visibility and recognition, and support junior researchers at UniDistance Suisse in connecting, collaborating, and advancing their research and teaching. Within the scope of applied microeconomics and/or applied microeconometrics, the position is open to various specialisations including (but not limited to) Environmental and Energy Economics, Financial Economics, Industrial Organisation or Business Economics, Labour or Health Economics, and Public Economics and Policy. Place of work: Brig (partly remote work possible) Start of work: December 1st, 2025 or by arrangement Your tasks Research in economics, especially in applied microeconomics and/or applied microeconometrics Regular publications in high quality scientific journals in the field Active participation in relevant national and international workshops and conferences Supervision of bachelor and master theses, as well as of doctoral theses Acquiring competitive third-party funding from institutions such as the Swiss National Science Foundation or other Swiss or international research funding institutions Establishing research and teaching cooperations with other universities and other faculties at UniDistance Suisse Teaching in the Faculty’s Bachelor programmes (in German, French, and/or English) and/or the Master’s programme (in English) Developing and implementing innovative teaching methods, with a particular focus on e-learning and digital education Actively supporting the further development of the faculty, the faculty’s study programmes, and the range of courses offered in the faculty Participation in academic leadership, self-administration, and relevant committees at the level of the faculty and the institution Contribution to and further development of continued education courses and the faculty’s services targeted at a broader public Your profile Doctoral degree and research experience in relevant fields after the doctorate Research focus on applied microeconomics and/or applied microeconometrics with a specialisation complementary to the current research cluster Track record of successful publications in high-quality journals in the field and promising research and publication pipeline Experience in or potential for acquiring competitive third-party research funding Management experience in research and teaching (e.g., experience in supervising doctoral students) is an advantage Solid university teaching experience in the field of applied microeconomics and/or applied micro-econometrics. Experience in blended learning is an advantage Willingness and ability to participate in the further development of the faculty and the institution via academic leadership and self-administration Proficiency in English, along with active knowledge of either German or French and some basic knowledge of the other language is an advantage. Ability and willingness to teach in German or French within 2-3 years We offer The position will be filled according to the qualifications of the future holder of the position, at the rank of Assistant Professor with Tenure Track, Associate Professor or Ordinary Professor (candidates should indicate in their cover letter for which rank they are applying) Support and funding for setting up a research and teaching team Innovative forms of teaching in the field of online learning Comprehensive training and support in online distance-teaching Cooperation in a stimulating and growing research cluster Attractive employment conditions in terms of salary and general working conditions We look forward to receiving your application by 30 April 2025 at the latest, via e-mail to Human Resources: E-Mail schreiben . Your application should include the following documents: Letter of motivation, CV (including a list of publications), teaching experience, teaching evaluations, list of third-party funds, research statement (maximum 2 pages), teaching statement (maximum 2 pages), and, for Assistant Professor applications, the names and contacts of two to four references who are ready to supply a reference letter upon request. For further information, please contact the Faculty Manager for the Faculty of Economics, Felix Schlüter ( E-Mail schreiben ) or the Head of the Search Committee, Prof. Anthony Strittmatter ( E-Mail schreiben ).
Voir l'annonce


FernUni Schweiz

Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Méthodes et Statistiques II » (18%, chaque semestre) · FernUni Schweiz

  • FernUni Schweiz

  • Brigerbad

  • 09/03/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Méthodes et Statistiques II » (18%, chaque semestre) Installé à Brigue dans un campus moderne, UniDistance Suisse est un institut universitaire accrédité selon la LEHE qui offre, depuis plus de 30 ans, des programmes de Bachelor, de Master et de formation continue dans divers domaines tels que le droit, la psychologie, les mathématiques, l'informatique, l'économie et l'histoire. Ces programmes sont conçus pour être suivis, parallèlement à une vie de famille, une carrière professionnelle ou sportive, grâce à un modèle flexible d'études à distance. UniDistance Suisse maintient des normes élevées de qualité tant dans l'enseignement universitaire que dans la recherche. L'institut vise l'accréditation universitaire en 2027 pour devenir l'université du Valais, marquant ainsi une étape historique. Avec près de 2400 étudiant-e-s, UniDistance Suisse est le leader des études universitaires à distance en Suisse. L’institut emploie 500 collaborateurs et collaboratrices, venu-e-s de toute la Suisse et de l’étranger, dont environ 450 sont impliqué-e-s dans l'enseignement et la recherche, et qui sont des expert-e-s reconnu-e-s dans leurs domaines respectifs. Afin de compléter nos équipes enseignantes du Bachelor en psychologie francophone, nous recherchons un-e : Chargé-e de cours pour le module « Méthodes et Statistiques II » (18%, chaque semestre) Lieu de travail : télétravail, en ligne Entrée en fonction : 1er août 2025 (module donné aux semestres d’automne et de printemps) Vos activités principales Responsabilité scientifique et direction du module Méthodes etStatistiques II Conception et développement du module, en synergie avec le module de Méthodes et Statistiques I Mise à disposition en ligne du matériel d’enseignement et d’apprentissage Enseignement en ligne, suivi des étudiant-e-s et évaluations en ligne Votre profil Expérience en tant qu’enseignant-e au niveau universitaire dans le domaine de la méthodologie et des statistiques Habilitation ou diplôme équivalent en psychologie Activités de recherche actives dans le domaine de la méthodologie et des statistiques Expérience dans l’enseignement en ligne, un atout Très bonnes compétences linguistiques en français (la langue d’enseignement) Domicile : en Suisse Nous offrons Le soutien d’un poste d’assistant-e à 50% (minimum) Des conditions d'emploi attrayantes Un environnement innovant pour l'enseignement universitaire Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir votre dossier de candidature complet par e-mail d’ici au 1er avril 2025 à E-Mail schreiben . Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le poste, Prof. Dr Géraldine Coppin, responsable du Bachelor en psychologie, vous répondra volontiers : gé E-Mail schreiben .
Voir l'annonce