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Ernst & Young AG

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Ernst & Young AG



Ernst & Young AG

Consultant Forensic en Investigation & Intégrité des affaires - focus finance/comptabilité

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Genève

  • 16/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Chez EY, vous aurez l’occasion de bâtir une carrière aussi unique que vous l’êtes. Et grâce au volet mondial, au soutien, à la culture inclusive et à la technologie, vous pourrez devenir la meilleure version de vous-mêmes. Nous comptons sur votre voix et votre point de vue uniques pour aider EY à devenir encore meilleure également. Joignez-vous à nous et créez une expérience exceptionnelle pour vous-mêmes et un monde meilleur pour tous. EY rassemble aujourd’hui 365 000 associés et collaborateurs à travers le monde dans plus de 150 pays. Grâce à ce réseau, dont le niveau d’intégration et l’ampleur internationale sont gages d’une même excellence partout dans le monde, EY renforce sa position de leader mondial de l’Audit, du Conseil, des Transactions, de la Fiscalité et du Droit. Nous faisons grandir les talents afin que, ensemble, ils accompagnent les organisations vers une croissance pérenne. Et notre engagement envers nos équipes commence avec cette promesse : quel que soit votre parcours avec nous, l’expérience EY dure toute une vie. Notre équipe Forensic est un groupe multidisciplinaire de professionnels (c'est-à-dire des experts-comptables, des avocats, des analystes de données, des spécialistes de la technologie judiciaire et d'anciens professionnels de l'application de la loi) qui développe des concepts commerciaux visant spécifiquement à créer la confiance et à prévenir ou combattre la fraude, la corruption, le détournement d’actifs et les infractions à des règlements spécifiques. Nous aidons les entreprises et leurs conseillers juridiques à enquêter sur les faits, à résoudre les litiges et à gérer les défis de la régulation. Nous plaçons l'intégrité au cœur des programmes de conformité et aidons nos clients à mieux gérer les risques éthiques et de réputation. Dans le cadre du renforcement de notre offre et de l’accompagnement de la croissance de nos équipes, le département Forensic & Integrity Services recherche des Consultant(e)s junior en investigation et intégrité des affaires avec un profil axé sur la comptabilité et la finance pour son bureau de Genève. Date de début à convenir. Ce que vous pouvez attendre - des expériences enrichissantes qui dureront toute une vie Au sein de notre équipe, vous intègrerez un mandat spécifique dont la mission consiste en des investigations de conformité dans différents secteurs : Prise de connaissance des premiers éléments nécessaires à l’investigation disponibles en amont de la visite sur site. Conduite d'entretiens approfondis, recherche de documents pour garantir une collecte d’informations exhaustive; utilisation d’approches comparatives afin de vérifier la validité des données recueillies. Examen de documents assisté par la technologie, analyse de données et estimation chiffrée des impacts financiers Rédaction de rapports d'investigation détaillés, incluant des références juridiques et des données quantitatives, dans le respect des normes légales. Vous pourriez être ponctuellement amenés à travailler sur d’autres missions telles que: Investigations sur tous types de fautes (par exemple, fraude, pots-de-vin, corruption) Conception, évaluation et mise en œuvre de systèmes de gestion de la conformité et de la lutte contre la fraude. Elaboration et mise en œuvre de lignes directrices et de codes ainsi que de stratégies de communication en matière de conformité et de lutte contre la fraude. Travail sur l’évaluation des risques et des performances en matière de conformité. Contribution aux contrôles de gestion des risques venant de tiers et d'intégrité. Collaboration avec les clients, les enquêteurs sur les fraudes, les auditeurs internes et externes, les avocats et les autorités réglementaires dans des situations sensibles et parfois conflictuelles. Ce que vous pouvez apporter - des compétences pour façonner l'avenir Diplôme (bachelor ou master universitaire) en gestion d'entreprise, en comptabilité ou en finance. Une première expérience dans un domaine d’activité professionnel similaire (par exemple, administration des affaires, comptabilité, audit, finance, conformité) Vous possédez une excellente capacité rédactionnelle en français, de bonnes connaissances informatiques, un sens des chiffres, un souci du détail et un intérêt pour la compréhension du cadre juridique des délits économiques. Excellentes aptitudes à la communication verbale et écrite en anglais. Toute autre langue est considérée comme un atout. Votre curiosité intellectuelle, esprit d’analyse, rigueur et autonomie vous permettent d'intervenir sur des problématiques complexes dans des secteurs d'activités variés au sein d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire. Approche assertive et proactive de l'exécution des projets ainsi que la capacité d'établir un réseau efficace au sein de grandes organisations et de nouer des relations avec des personnes et des clients. Restez fidèle à vos projets et réalisez vos objectifs avec nous ! Concevez votre carrière avec EY dans une culture qui favorise la diversité et l'éducation. Une équipe internationale multiculturelle composée de professionnels très motivés Un développement personnel constant avec une courbe d'apprentissage forte - un système de formations, de mentorat, de conseils et d'apprentissage au travail. Un environnement et des équipements de travail modernes, favorisant la flexibilité du travail mobile Un système transparent de reconnaissance et de progression basé sur les performances Votre ambition est aussi audacieuse que la nôtre. Au sein de nos équipes très performantes, vous acquerrez les compétences technologiques et l'esprit de croissance nécessaires pour devenir le leader que vous voulez être. Le leader dont le monde a besoin. Exploitez notre échelle, notre technologie, nos équipes et notre culture pour réaliser votre potentiel. Apprenez des meilleurs, entourez-vous des plus curieux, posez de meilleures questions pour trouver de meilleures réponses. L'expérience exceptionnelle d'EY. C'est à vous de la construire. Faites le prochain pas et postulez ce poste en ligne. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter notre équipe de recrutement ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). EY | Travailler ensemble pour un monde meilleur La raison d’être d’EY est de bâtir un monde meilleur, de créer de la valeur à long terme pour les clients, les gens et la société et de renforcer la confiance à l’égard des marchés financiers. S’appuyant sur les données et la technologie, les équipes diversifiées d’EY présentes dans plus de 150 pays instaurent la confiance au moyen de la certification, et aident les clients à prospérer, à se transformer et à exercer leurs activités. Que ce soit dans les services de certification, de consultation, de stratégie, de fiscalité ou de transactions, ou encore, au sein des services juridiques, les équipes d’EY posent de meilleures questions pour trouver de nouvelles réponses aux enjeux complexes du monde d’aujourd’hui.
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Ernst & Young AG

Consultant in the Climate Change and Sustainability Services team - Geneva or Lausanne (Graduate) 1

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Grand-Lancy

  • 18/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


The opportunity At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. We are expanding our team and looking for Consultants to join the Climate Change and Sustainability Services team to be based in several of our Swiss office locations: Zürich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne and Bern. At EY, the Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team seeks to shape the future with confidence by helping businesses respond to societal, environmental, and economic challenges. We help businesses understand and evaluate the broader value impacts and outcomes associated with their organizations, operations, programs, and projects. Our global team is multidisciplinary and combines our core knowledge in accounting and reporting with knowledge in technical and regulatory sustainability issues. Our teams help clients improve the credibility of their ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting and integrate sustainability aspects in business processes, including, supplier management, climate & nature strategies and labor rights. Your key responsibilities You will support and advise our clients on sustainability strategies and sustainability reporting. You help to provide assurance over sustainability/non-financial information using our sustainability assurance methodology. You will support in developing climate strategies (e.g. GHG footprint & trajectories development, target setting and climate related risks & opportunities assessment) and Human Rights Risks and Due Diligence Assessments. You follow relevant trends and developments to take them into account in our approaches and to communicate them to our internal and external contacts. You also support market development by conducting studies and building customer relationships and internal training. You analyze various sustainability topics by independently evaluating data and preparing the results for presentations and reports. Furthermore, you support the preparation of client proposals, meetings and events. Skills and attributes for success To qualify for the role you must have A Bachelors or Masters degree in economics, environmental sciences/engineering, sustainability or related fields of study is a prerequisite Interest in topics such as sustainability, climate change, human rights, biodiversity and non-financial reporting & assurance, as well as training in these areas Experience in climate change services, human rights or in financial or non-financial audit are a plus Ability to work independently across multiple engagements with overlapping deadlines are a must Agility to learn and adapt on the job, ask the right questions and strive for the best solutions for clientsare a must Familiarity with sustainability disclosure standards, frameworks and questionnaires such as GRI, TCFD, TNFD, ISSB, SASB, CDP, UNPRI, GHG Protocol etc are a plus Familiarity with emerging sustainability regulations worldwide such as the Swiss Code of Obligation 964a-c, EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) are a plus Proficiency in English (written and spoken) is a requirement, additional proficiency in German and/or French is a plus What we look for Ability to work closely with large teams and in an international environment Capacity to take initiative, overcome challenges and work collaboratively as demonstrated by prior relevant working or project experience Available to start in September 2025 What we offer International multi-cultural team of highly motivated professionals Constant personal development with a steep learning curve – a system of trainings, mentoring, counselling and on-the-job learning Modern working environment and equipment, fostering mobile working flexibility Transparent performance-based recognition and progression system Acquire a fully accredited corporate MBA (EY Tech MBA) or a Masters in Sustainability from Hult International Business School, whilst working with EY, completely free* If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. Make the next step and apply for this position online. For further information please contact our recruitment team ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). * with the exception of EY contractors, interns and alumni.
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Ernst & Young AG

Senior Consultant in the Climate Change and Sustainability Services team - Geneva or Lausanne

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Grand-Lancy

  • 18/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


The opportunity At EY, you’ll have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we’re counting on your voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. We are expanding our team and looking for Senior Consultants to join the Climate Change and Sustainability Services team to be based in several of our Swiss office locations: Zürich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne and Bern. At EY, the Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team seeks to shape the future with confidence by helping businesses respond to societal, environmental, and economic challenges. We help businesses understand and evaluate the broader value impacts and outcomes associated with their organizations, operations, programs, and projects. Our global team is multidisciplinary and combines our core knowledge in accounting and reporting with knowledge in technical and regulatory sustainability issues. Our teams help clients improve the credibility of their ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting and integrate sustainability aspects in business processes, including, supplier management, climate & nature strategies and labor rights. Your key responsibilities You will support and advise our clients on sustainability strategies and sustainability reporting. You help to provide assurance over sustainability/non-financial information using our sustainability assurance methodology. You will support in developing climate strategies (e.g. GHG footprint & trajectories development, target setting and climate related risks & opportunities assessment) and Human Rights Risks and Due Diligence Assessments. You follow relevant trends and developments to take them into account in our approaches and to communicate them to our internal and external contacts. You also support market development by conducting studies and building customer relationships and internal training. You analyze various sustainability topics by independently evaluating data and preparing the results for presentations and reports. Furthermore, you support the preparation of client proposals, meetings and events. Skills and attributes for success To qualify for the role you must have A Bachelors or Masters degree in economics, environmental sciences/engineering, sustainability or related fields of study is a prerequisite Interest in topics such as sustainability, climate change, human rights, biodiversity and non-financial reporting & assurance, as well as training in these areas Experience in climate change services, human rights or in financial or non-financial audit Ability to work independently across multiple engagements with overlapping deadlines are a must Agility to learn and adapt on the job, ask the right questions and strive for the best solutions for clientsare a must Experience with sustainability disclosure standards, frameworks and questionnaires such as GRI, TCFD, TNFD, ISSB, SASB, CDP, UNPRI, GHG Protocol etc are a plus Familiarity with emerging sustainability regulations worldwide such as the Swiss Code of Obligation 964a-c, EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) are a plus Proficiency in English (written and spoken) is a requirement, additional proficiency in German and/or French is a plus What we look for Ability to work closely with large teams and in an international environment Capacity to take initiative, overcome challenges and work collaboratively as demonstrated by prior relevant working or project experience First work experience in sustainability consulting or other working experience in sustainability related departments Available to start in September 2025 What we offer International multi-cultural team of highly motivated professionals Constant personal development with a steep learning curve – a system of trainings, mentoring, counselling and on-the-job learning Modern working environment and equipment, fostering mobile working flexibility Transparent performance-based recognition and progression system Acquire a fully accredited corporate MBA (EY Tech MBA) or a Masters in Sustainability from Hult International Business School, whilst working with EY, completely free* If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. Make the next step and apply for this position online. For further information please contact our recruitment team ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). * with the exception of EY contractors, interns and alumni.
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Ernst & Young AG

Assistant - Limited Statutory Examination Center of Excellence - EY Assurance Services Switzerland

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Lausanne

  • 17/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


In a world that’s changing faster than ever, our purpose acts as our ‘North Star’ guiding our more than 300,000 people – providing the context and meaning for the work we do every day. In doing so, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, clients and communities. Thanks to our innovative services in auditing, tax consulting as well as transaction and management consulting, we proudly drive our clients into the future. The timely and relevant financial information provided by EY's Assurance teams is essential to global economic health and sustainable growth. Our work helps to restore and maintain public confidence in the world’s capital markets and ensure that the fundamentals are in place for businesses to move forward. The best possible time to build your career in auditing limited statutory examination (LSE) entities , in a practice rich in opportunity - the scale and scope of our clients’ businesses add to the wealth of experience that a career in Assurance at EY offers you. What you can expect – enriching experiences that will last a lifetime You will be involved in the Center of Excellence (CoE) LSE team exanimating national and international clients Typical activities will include the following: Understand our client’s business and potential risks based on discussion with the client and within the team Define a scoping and examination strategy tailored the client’s business and risks Examinate material accounts aligned with our internal quality standards Document results in our audit documentation software Having a close contact with the client for questions and keeping her/him informed about the course of examination Document results in our audit documentation software and hand-over work for the internal review of your work You will work in a dynamic, international and multicultural environment You will benefit from an auditing and accounting specific learning curriculum and intensive on the job training You will be part of a dynamic team with flat hierarchies which is happy to support you on all stages of the examination You will have access to various industries (NGOs, consumer products, tourism, holdings etc.) which will lead to a varied working experience What you can contribute – skills for shaping the future KV-Graduate with experience in fiduciary services/accounting or a completed bachelor’s degree in economics Base experience in accounting or auditing Good and clear communication and interpersonal skills Independent and foresight looking working style Languages: fluent in French and English (German is a plus) Very good Microsoft Excel Knowledge in particular Microsoft Excel Ability to adjust your frame of thinking and quickly change priorities Able to perform well in a high performing environment Ability to adjust your frame of thinking and quickly change priorities Stick to your plans and realize your goals with us! Design your career with EY in a culture that promotes diversity and education. International multi-cultural team of highly motivated professionals Constant personal development with a steep learning curve – a system of trainings, mentoring, counselling and on-the-job learning Modern working environment and equipment, fostering mobile working flexibility Transparent performance-based recognition and progression system Acquire a fully accredited corporate MBA (EY Tech MBA) from Hult International Business School, whilst working with EY, completely free* Your ambition is as bold as ours. As part of our high-performing teams, you’ll build the tech skillsets and growth mindsets to become the leader you want to be. The leader the world needs. Harness our scale, our tech, our teams and our culture to realize your potential. Learn from the best, surround yourself with the curious, ask better questions to seek better answers. The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build. Make the next step and apply for this position online . Ref. No: XXX. For further information please contact our recruitment team ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). * exception of EY contractors, interns and alumni.
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Ernst & Young AG

Senior Auditor in Industries - Lausanne

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Lausanne

  • 14/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


At EY, you will have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we are counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all. At EY, you will have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we are counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all. Our Assurance Service Line’s purpose is to inspire confidence and trust. We do so by protecting and serving the public interest, promoting transparency, supporting investor confidence and economic growth. The EY audit team is focused on quality and is bound by a service approach that is connected, responsive and insightful. The opportunity You will work with international companies active in consumer products and retailand help us to grow our dynamic practice through the development of trusted client relationships and high performing teams You will be a part of EY international and multicultural environment You will benefit from an intensive on the job training combined with supervision and counselling to support your professional development Your key responsibilities Help build trust and confidence through transparency, clarity and consistency Report on the fairness in all material respects with which a client’s audited financial statements are presented Provide the organizations we serve with greater confidence, better perspective of their business and enhanced transparency into the audit, in order to deliver audits of the highest quality Review and audit the impacts of global multi-year finance transformation program Skills and attributes for success To qualify for the role you must have A bachelor/master’s degree in either Accounting, Audit & Management Control, Corporate Finance, Business Administration or Economics, a Swiss university degree is an asset You are/about to be in possession of a certified public accountants’ diploma or other similar diploma (Swiss CPA, DEC, ACCA, etc.). 2-4 years’ experience in external audit, an experience in a Big Four is an asset Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English is required –French and German are strong assets, any additional language is considered as a plus Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to: communicate well; establish strong working relationships; maintain a positive outlook; work under pressure Strong understanding of IT impacts on financial reporting and an interest in digital audit techniques and IT integration Ideally, you’ll also have Willingness to learn and adapt quickly A strong interest in our profession and client-oriented attitude Strong team player mentality to proactively drive solutions within highly motivated and diverse teams across functions, countries and region What we offer International multicultural team of highly motivated professionals Continuous personal development with a steep learning curve – a system of trainings, mentoring, counselling and on-the-job learning Modern working environment and equipment, fostering mobile working flexibility Transparent performance-based recognition and progression system Acquire a fully accredited corporate MBA (EY Tech MBA) from Hult International Business School, whilst working with EY, completely free* If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. Make the next step and apply for this positiononline. For further information please contact our recruitment team ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people, and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform, and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax, and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
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Ernst & Young AG

Sustainability assurance / financial audit Manager Lausanne

  • Ernst & Young AG

  • Lausanne

  • 14/01/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%Gestion/Cadre

Emploi permanent 100%



At EY, you will have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we are counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all. At EY, you will have the chance to build a career as unique as you are, with the global scale, support, inclusive culture and technology to become the best version of you. And we are counting on your unique voice and perspective to help EY become even better too. Join us and build an exceptional experience for yourself, and a better working world for all. Our Assurance Service Line’s purpose is to inspire confidence and trust. We do so by protecting and serving the public interest, promoting transparency, supporting investor confidence and economic growth. The EY audit team is focused on quality and is bound by a service approach that is connected, responsive and insightful. The opportunity You will work with international companies active in consumer products and retailand help us to grow our dynamic practice through the development of trusted client relationships and high performing teams You will be a part of EY international and multicultural environment You will benefit from an intensive on the job training combined with supervision and counselling to support your professional development Your key responsibilities Help build trust and confidence through transparency, clarity and consistency Report on the fairness in all material respects with which a client’s audited financial statements are presented & report on limited assurance for sustainability statements Provide the organizations we serve with greater confidence, better perspective of their business and enhanced transparency into the assurance, in order to deliver assurance of the highest quality Integrate between financial and non-financial assurance providing organizations with a one team experience as insights across both reports Skills and attributes for success To qualify for the role you must have A bachelor/master’s degree in either Accounting, Audit & Management Control, Corporate Finance, Business Administration or Economics, a Swiss university degree is an asset You are/about to be in possession of a certified public accountants’ diploma or other similar diploma (Swiss CPA, DEC, ACCA, etc.). 4-7 years’ experience in external audit, an experience in a Big Four is an asset Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English is required –French and German are strong assets, any additional language is considered as a plus Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to: communicate well; establish strong working relationships; maintain a positive outlook; work under pressure Strong interest in sustainability reporting, experience and knowledge of Swiss Code of Obligation 964s-c, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, EU Taxonomy, and TCFD are considered a strong asset Ideally, you’ll also have Willingness to learn and adapt quickly A strong interest in our profession and client-oriented attitude Strong team player mentality to proactively drive solutions within highly motivated and diverse teams across functions, countries and region What we offer International multiculturalteam of highly motivated professionals Continuous personal development with a steep learning curve – a system of trainings, mentoring, counselling and on-the-job learning Modern working environment and equipment, fostering mobile working flexibility Transparent performance-based recognition and progression system Acquire a fully accredited corporate MBA (EY Tech MBA or Masters in Sustainability) from Hult International Business School, whilst working with EY, completely free* If you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria above, please contact us as soon as possible. Make the next step and apply for this positiononline. For further information please contact our recruitment team ( E-Mail schreiben / +41 58 286 33 66). EY | Building a better working world EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people, and society and build trust in the capital markets. Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform, and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax, and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
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