Comité International Olympique (CIO) Jobs -
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Comité International Olympique (CIO)

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Comité International Olympique (CIO)



Comité International Olympique (CIO)

Technicien/ne spécialisé/e expositions/ conservation

  • Comité International Olympique (CIO)

  • Lausanne

  • 13/03/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Départment: La Fondation Olympique pour la Culture et le Patrimoine Lieu: Lausanne, Suisse Type de contrat: Contrat à durée indéterminée Niveau d'activité: 100% En tant que Technicien/ne spécialisé/e expositions/conservation au musée Olympique, vous participerez au tâches suivantes: Responsabilités principales: Travaille au montage et au démontage techniques des expositions permanentes et temporaires intra et extra muros, ainsi qu’au développement créatif et technique des dispositifs liés aux produits de médiation ou évènements culturels Travaille en étroite collaboration et synergie les collaborateurs internes des sections de l'Unité, de l'OFCH, du CIO et les intervenants externes tout au long du projet. Participeactivement aux séances de préparation et conception d’une exposition ou d’une grande manifestation. Est force de propositions sur la conception et la réalisation d'éléments muséographiques, sur l'aménagement/l'agencement des artefacts. Assure ou suit les travaux d’aménagement, la construction du mobilier, l’élaboration de supports, l’installation des espaces, la présentation des artefacts et l’accrochage des œuvres. En collaboration avec l’Unité Patrimoine, veille à la solidité des installation, à la conservation et à la sécurité des artefacts, afin qu'ils ne soient pas endommagées. Fait le lien avec les équipes audiovisuelles et bâtiments (éclairage et structures). Prépare ou suit les plans et les maquettes. Suit l'estimation des coûts et des devis et s’assure du respect des délais avec la Manager Design d’expositions et la coordinatrice administration et activités. Suit la fabrication des caisses de transport des pièces des collections et des infrastructures en collaboration avec le technicien du Pôle Patrimoine (plans, devis et suivi de fabrication); Assure la préparation et le suivi des projets en lien avec les JO (organisation technique, suivi et préparation du fret, participation aux différentes tâches inhérentes aux JO). Assure la maintenance pendant la durée de l’exposition ou le temps d’utilisation du produit. Gère les dépôts, les ateliers techniques et d’encadrement ainsi que les stocks Veille à une intégration efficace des stocks de matériel dans les projets. Réalise les inventaires des infrastructures d’expositions et propose des investissements de matériel. Veille au bon conditionnement, à l’entreposage des infrastructures, s’assure de leur tri régulier. Assure l’approvisionnement des fournitures. Contribue à la réalisation de la documentation technique Réalise les plans et documentation (listing infrastructures, photos, etc.) des manuels d’expositions. Nous recherchons une personne avec : Apprentissage d’un métier dans les domaines du bois ou du métal ou CFC de décorateur / polydesigner 3D avec quelques années d’expérience dans le domaine du montage de stands. Bonne maîtrise du français ainsi que de bonnes connaissances de l’anglais oral. Connaissance du dessin technique. Bonne maîtrise des outils bureautiques (Microsoft Office: Word Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) et de l’ensemble des logiciels spécifiques à son activité (suite Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Autocad). Excellente maîtrise des outils «Corporate» et suivi des règles d'utilisation internes (Sharepoint, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc). Compétences techniques, organisationnelles et personnelles Créatif/ve, inventeur/rice, concepteur/rice d’idées. Esprit logique, créatif, méthodique et pragmatique. Esprit pédagogue dans la production d’éléments liés à la médiation. Capacité à exprimer des idées par un plan, un croquis, un dessin, une maquette. Sens esthétique développé, vision architecturale et de déploiement des œuvres dans un espace. Esprit de revalorisation et récupération des éléments et infrastructures. Capacité à essayer de trouver une solution technique à l’interne. Excellent suivi des projets. Expérience de la soudure / brasure Pratique du soclage Connaissances des techniques d’encadrement et la pose de visuels. Connaissances en technique d’éclairage. Connaissance et traitement d’une grand variété de matériaux Aptitude pour le dessin technique et capacité de visualisation dans l’espace Aptitude pour le graphisme, la signalétique et la pose d’adhésifs Connaissances des règles de conservation et de manipulation d’objets de collections Grandes connaissances du monde du sport lui permettant de faire des lien pertinents pour la valorisation et la mise en place d’artefacts. Comportement et attitude Respect des valeurs olympiques, des règles internes de bonne conduite ainsi que de toutes les directives et procédures en place (sécurité de l'information, Code d'éthique, etc.) Diligence et discrétion associées à une solide éthique professionnelle Sens de la coopération et transfert des connaissances Attitude positive, ouverture d’esprit Agilité et flexibilité tout en se concentrant sur les questions essentielles Enthousiasme, réactivité et efficacité Indépendance et proactivité, avec un esprit gagnant, tout en étant capable de travailler en étroite collaboration avec différentes équipes et de gérer plusieurs parties prenantes Orientation vers les résultats et engagement personnel à fixer et à atteindre des objectifs majeurs Faculté d'adaptation, réactivité et capacité à fournir des résultats efficaces dans un environnement en constante évolution Rejoignez une organisation qui a l'esprit d'inclusion, d'égalité des sexes et de diversité dans son ADN et qui se concentre sur ce qui nous unit : la passion du sport et ses valeurs. Travaillez dans un environnement flexible et enrichissant qui offre des avantages sociaux compétitifs et de nombreuses incitations à mener une vie durablement saine et active. En nous rejoignant, vous faites partie du Mouvement olympique et à bâtir un monde meilleur par le sport. Vous aurez l'occasion de travailler avec des personnes de plus de 70 nationalités.
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Comité International Olympique (CIO)

Sports Director

  • Comité International Olympique (CIO)

  • Lausanne

  • 06/03/2025

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Department: Sports Department Location: Lausanne, Switzerland Contract Type : Open-ended Activity Level: 100% Job start date: 01.07.2025 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the guardian of the Olympic Games and the leader of the Olympic Movement.A truly global organisation, it acts as a catalyst for collaboration between all Olympic stakeholders, including the athletes, the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the International Sports Federations (IFs), Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs), the Worldwide Olympic Partners and Media Rights-Holders. It also works with public and private authorities,including the United Nations and other international organisations. If you are an experienced professional in the field of sport and the vision to build a better world through sports inspires you, this is a unique opportunity to contribute to the Olympic Movement within the IOC. About the Role As the Sports Director you will be managing relations with the Olympic and Recognised International Federations (IFs). You will also be liaising with Olympic Federations and Organising Committees of the Olympic Games on the planning and delivery of sports element of Olympic Games, Olympic Winter Games, and Youth Olympic Games. Additionally, you will be supporting the work of the Olympic Programme Commission and overseeing the work of the Athletes Department and the Health, Medicine and Science Department in the implementation of IOC strategies. Main Responsibilities Institutional In collaboration with each respective department’s Director, oversee the policy, strategy and objectives of the Sports, Athletes and Health, Medicine & Science departments, including aligning on budget and Human Resources and work of their respective commissions Lead and empower the three departments in the operational implementation of IOC strategies and recommendations, while raising executive-level issues to the Director General and the IOC President for decision Lead the representation of the Sports, Athletes and Health, Medicine & Science Departments at the IOC Executive Board and IOC Session meetings Enable the operations of the Sports, Athletes and Health, Medicine & Science departments for the delivery of Games-time related programmes and deliverables Management of the department Task planning : organises the department's activities negotiates the objectives to be achieved and the means of achieving them with the people concerned ensures that they are implemented and supervises the results obtained. creates and implements performance indicators to monitor the department's overall activity. processes and manages files appropriately. Staff and budget management: Validate the Human Resources and budgeting needs with each Department (Sports, Athletes, Medicine & Science) Ensure the budgets relating to the three departments are respected. Evaluate his or her direct staff and ensure that the end-of-year evaluations within his or her department are properly conducted. Accept responsibility for resolving disputes which cannot reasonably be solved by his or her staff members and managers. Undertake to respect and ensure respect of the cultural differences within his or her department and/or in his or her relations with IOC partners. Communication: Ensure good communication within all three departments and strong liaison with the rest of the IOC Administration Attend directors’ meetings and take all measures necessary to develop synergies between departments. Ensure that the Executive Board and Session are informed about the issues within the areas of activity of the Sports, Athletes and Medical & Scientific departments. Administrative and financial tasks: Ensure that the law, the different regulations, instructions and procedures are correctly applied within his or her department. Be responsible for his or her budget vis-à-vis the President and Director General. Define the decision-making powers of the staff within his or her department. Respect for internal rules of conduct Respect and ensure respect of the internal rules of conduct and all instructions and procedures in place (information security, Code of Ethics, staff regulations, project management methodology, etc.) Strategic and operational Responsibilities Olympic Programme Commission Define the Olympic programme review procedure and manage its implementation Manage engagement with Olympic Programme Commission members and the management of meetings and recommendations Support the Chair of the Commission on presentations of reports to the IOC Executive Board and the IOC Session International Sports Federations Lead and manage the relations with the Olympic IFs and the IFs’ involvement in IOC strategic projects Intervene in situations requiring mediation between IFs and OG or YOG Organising Committees. Is responsible for relations with the International Federations: Liaison between the International Federations and the IOC Recognition of International Federations and examination of applications from recognised International Federations Monitoring the support granted to International Federations for the development programme Organisation of joint meetings with ASOIF and AIOWF Liaising with AGFIS and ARISF Is responsible for monitoring all activities and relations with recognised sports organisations. Enable the Sports team to support the IFs with developing their sport Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games Lead and manage the liaison with IFs and OCOGs on sport-related projects, including the qualification systems, competition schedules, venue selection, IF services, delivery models and Games / competition operations. Make sure this is coordinated with the Olympic Games Executive Coordinate and manage all sports-related evaluations and reports in the framework of the applicant and bid city procedures for the OG and YOG. Take part in the OG and YOG Coordination Commission meetings and project reviews. Manage the sports-related operations during the OG and YOG. Manage the OG and YOG debriefing with the Olympic IFs and follow up the resulting actions and recommendations. Support the Games-time activities of IOC President (sports visits…) We’re seeking someone with: Preferably at least 10 years’ experience in the field of high-level sports management, including ideally International Federations and / or Organising Committees of the Olympic Games. Proven experience of at least 10 years in a managerial function within an organisation linked to sport, a public agency or large-scale sports association. Proven knowledge of the Olympic Movement. Excellent management skills. Ability to exert influence and work in a complex environment. Excellent sense of planning and organisation. Ability to work both independently and in a team. Excellent command of French and English, with knowledge of other languages an asset. Communication skills; team spirit; appreciation of working in a multicultural environment. Keen sense of priorities for efficient management of projects and deliverables. Experience of dealing with other people at all levels of an organisation, as well as gathering and communicating often complex and sensitive information orally and in writing. Excellent command of the corporate tools and ability to follow the internal user rules (Outlook, etc.). Behaviour and attitude: Respect the Olympic values andthe internal rules of conduct and all instructions and procedures in place (i.e. Information Security, Code of Ethics, etc). Diligence and discretion combined with solid professional ethics. Collaboration and transfer of knowledge. Positive attitude, open-mindedness. Possessing agility and flexibility while maintaining focus on core issues. Enthusiasm, reactivity and efficiency. Independent and proactive with a can-do attitude, yet able to work closely with different teams and manage multiple stakeholders. Results-oriented and personal commitment to setting and achieving lofty goals. Ability to adapt, react, and efficiently deliver in an environment in constant evolution. Ability to listen, engage and motivate people. Ability to set a direction for the team and lead to a common result. Ability to set individual objectives and assess performance accordingly. Share regular feedback to team members. Ability to empower others to make decisions or take charge. Is able to act quickly, set new directions, and make smart but fast decisions if required by changes in the market or customer needs. Ability to share sensitive messages or unpopular points of view in a motivating manner. Come and join an organisation where the spirit of inclusion, gender equality and diversity is embedded in its DNA and which focuses on what unites us – a passion for sport and its values. Work in a flexible and rewarding environment which offers competitive employee benefits and numerous incentives to live a sustainable, healthy and active life. By joining us, you become part of the Olympic Movement and help to build a better world through sport. You will have the opportunity to work with people of more than 70 nationalities.
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