AIC Travel Group SA Jobs -
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AIC Travel Group SA

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AIC Travel Group SA



AIC Travel Group SA

Sales Representative

  • AIC Travel Group SA

  • Genève

  • 10/07/2024

  • Emploi permanent 100%

Emploi permanent 100%


Sales Representa�ve EXTERNAL AGENT - ENGLISH SPEAKING AIC Travel Group is a full-service global wholesaler, based in Geneva, Switzerland, with almost twenty years of experience in B2B online distribu�on with a commitment to professionalism and quality travel service. The company offers a large and diverse worldwide inventory of hotels (including direct contracts) as well as various ancillary services. To learn more, visit www.aicgroup .biz As part of our con�nuous development, we are looking for a skilled and mo�vated person to work in the interna�onal travel industry. Full Time 100% Remote - Immediate start PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Managing sales ac�vi�es related to our Online travel pla�orm Acquiring and managing clients Closing the sales for customers that are interested Nego�a�ng agreements Promo�ng our B2B travel services Follow up closely with the customers and make sure that all customers are promptly answered REQUIRED SKILLS: Sales experience 1 Year or more experience in the travel industry will be a bonus Fluent in English (wri�en and spoken). Excellent knowledge in MS Office Suite Excellent wri�ng and communica�on skills Being able to meet deadlines High a�en�on to details Can-do a�tude, confident and proac�ve - Process-driven, goal-oriented, able to work in a team WE OFFER: Nice and professional working team We will provide you with the possibility to grow in your career Compe��ve salary, based on our interview, skills and previous experience Mo�va�onal growth, according to your personal capaci�es and responsibili�es The salary is paid in EURO with no delays If you are interested in and possess the above quali�es, please send your CV and your mo�va�on le�er in English to with a subject line: CV – SALES REPRESENTATIVE + your name and surname (in La�n le�ers). Only the applications strictly corresponding to the above criteria will be considered.
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